Since I can remember I have been taught to take a 6 inch power step and then shoot my hands and hips. Here’s a clip of me doing some drill work with my Michigan teammates back in the day. Then two weeks ago I ran across some Pete Jenkins clinic tape where he explained that exploding with the
Holy cow. This article changes so much for me as a coach but it makes so much sense. Question for you, what's your thought on keeping the word head or helmet out of my mouth as USA football training would like? As a player I was a 3 points of contact guy who exploded like this, probably figured it out naturally, but I was making contact with my forehead and hands almost simultaneously. I am thinking of going back to teaching it that way even though newer concussion training would probably not like it.
I agree with not coaching to contact with head and helmet. I actually found that when I started contacted with 2 points of contact (hands) that I was able to get extension and throw off more easily.
Do you have any problems playing pulls with this technique?
Holy cow. This article changes so much for me as a coach but it makes so much sense. Question for you, what's your thought on keeping the word head or helmet out of my mouth as USA football training would like? As a player I was a 3 points of contact guy who exploded like this, probably figured it out naturally, but I was making contact with my forehead and hands almost simultaneously. I am thinking of going back to teaching it that way even though newer concussion training would probably not like it.
I agree with not coaching to contact with head and helmet. I actually found that when I started contacted with 2 points of contact (hands) that I was able to get extension and throw off more easily.